Craig was first licensed in 1967 as WN9TXL/WA9TXL and then K9CT in 1976.
He has been chasing DX for years and has acheived Honor Roll, 8BDXCC and DXCC Challenge. Craig is also an active contester on CW, SSB and RTTY.
He is a member SMC, Society of Midwest Contesters, NCDXF, INDEXA, Life Member ARRL, and Peoria Area Amateur Radio Club.
He is active on TB, Magic Band and 2M EME.
Craig is married with a daughter.
He has a family electronics business in central Illinois for almost 30 years, Thompson Electronics Company, and is also a competitive runner.
He was on the TI9KK team in 2008 and co-led the PJ7E team in 2010 and the NH8S Swains Island team in 2012.