I was born and raised in southwest Chicago suburbs. I work as an engineer for Peterson Electro-Musical Products, where we supply control systems to builders of Pipe Organs (noisy things you hear on Sundays at places with different kinds of towers).
I was, like many, first licensed in my youth. I was a novice in 1969 at the age of 14. I upgraded to General the first year and dabbled a little in dxing and cw, but other interests in high school lured me away. I re-entered the hobby in 1995 and have been severely bitten by the dxing/contesting bug.
I have been active at W0AIH in Eau Claire, WI for several contests. I had the opportunity to participate from WP2Z last year for CQWW SSB contest. I've also been a member of these DXpeditions:
2000 FO0AAA Clipperton; 2002 VP6DI Ducie; and
2005 KH8SI Swain's Island.
What a blast being on the large end of a pile-up! My preferences are CW, but enjoy SSB contesting and RTTY as well. I am a member of NIDXA, NCDXF, and the Metro DX Club.