
Tom Berson

Tom was first licensed in 1957. He has had a radio within arm's reach ever since (although his amateur license did lapse for almost forty years). He loves the challenges of tight integration among radios, computers, and antenna systems.

He is a member of competitive multi-op CW, SSB, and RTTY contesting teams at W6YX, W6OAT, K6IDX, and W7RN. He is busy making up for lost solar cycles by working all the DX he can hear.

Tom has been a member of four major DXpeditions: BS7H, K4M (Midway KH4), VP8ORK, and NH8S (Swains Island).  He has admired antennas during his travels to 9M2, 9M8, 9V, BV, BY, C3, CT, DL, DU, E5, EA, EA6, EI, ES, F, FO, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HBØ, HL, HS, HV, I, JA, KH6, KL, LA, LU, LX, OE, OH, OK, ON, OZ, PA, SM, SP, SV, TA, TF, UA, VE, VK, VR, VU, XE, and YO.

Tom is a Director of the Northern California DX Foundation.  He is past-President and Director of the Northern California Contest Club.  He is a member the Mother Lode DX and Contest Club, The CW Operators' Club and the Stanford Amateur Radio Club.

Tom is an expert in cryptology, information security, and cyber conflict. He runs a consulting outfit called Anagram Laboratories.

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