Dick Williams
 Dick, W3OA, was first licensed as KN9SGM and K9SGM in 1958. He was relicensed as KD6KF in 1980 and subsequently WE6H and now W3OA. He has been chasing DX since 1980 and is on the Honor Role, holds DXCC on nine bands, and is at the 2200 level in the DXCC Challenge.
He is an ARRL Life Member and a member of INDEXA. Since moving to North Carolina in 2002 he has been an active member of the Carolina DX Association and currently serves as the club's Contest Manager.
He is a retired Air Force Colonel and NASA official. His Air Force career concentrated on the development of ICBM systems with detours on the staffs of England's Royal Air Force College and the USAF Test Pilot School.
Since retiring he has spent considerable time writing computer programs to aid DX chasing. His latest project is the "Aggregator" program which collects spots from CW Skimmers and sends them to the Reverse Beacon Network.
He and his wife, Ida, live on the banks of Lake Norman, just north of Charlotte, NC. They have one son and two grandsons living in Ohio.